STCRO Mission The Souls To Christ Radio Outreach was founded on the principle of reaching the masses with the unadulterated truth of God’s word. We believe in letting the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ speak for itself. 2Peter 1: 20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. So every message emanating from the pulpit of CTCF is sure to be laced with the Spirit inspired, God breathed truth. That is why we here at STCRO embrace the privilege to skillfully and attentively present these messages that are purposed to bring souls to Christ. It is our prayer that you have been blessed by the power of God’s word. That it has impacted your life and provoked your desire to draw closer to Him. We also solicit your prayers and support of this ministry. Your weekly, monthly, or annual tax deductible contribution to this radio ministry will be greatly appreciated. Help us as we continue to touch lives, and change the minds and hearts of people the only way we know how. Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Dwain K. White Sr. has been preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ for 24 years. He is the senior pastor of Christ Temple Christian Fellowship located in Charles village in the heart of Baltimore City Maryland. Pastor White is also an entrepreneur, a self published author, an accomplished musician, composer, producer and song writer. He has always had a heart for evangelism as he began ministering in the streets of Baltimore. He quickly learned how to be effective in ministering to the homeless, the drug dealers, those suffering from chemical dependency, and prostitutes as well. He is no stranger to door to door evangelism and has trained many in his congregation how to do the same. His passion for teaching and preaching God’s word is clearly visible as he delivers each message with power and authority. One of phrases coined by Pastor White is “Somebody’s lying, and it ain’t God” as he delivers fiery conviction with strength, grace, and humility. His motto for preaching and teaching has always been; keep it plain, simple, and most of all truthful, in accordance with God’s word.